Sophie Walker is a qualified Creative Mindfulness Practitioner and a certified Solution Focused Brief Therapist. She has a Diploma in Modern Psychology and university certificates in Psychology and Mental Health and Mindfulness. She is a Royal Academy shortlisted artist and has been in the top 10% of entrants to the Bridport Prize in both novel writing and poetry so she is well placed to work with you on creating your dream life. Using a blend of all her creative faculties combined with therapy and positive psychology and visualisation, Sophie will help you to get your life where you want it to be and to feel amazing as you do it.

"Sophie is absolutely wonderful to work with. Her energy is contagious and warm and receptive. I loved her engaging, creative approach to coaching which was definitely a plus for me." - Shae, London

Let me ask you a question:

What are the parts of your life, and therefore your ‘self’ that you are turning away from?

Are you even aware that you do that? (Don’t worry, everyone does it.)

You are a totally unique person, but I bet you look at other people, whether you know them or not, and expect yourself to be ‘more like them’ whether that is in terms of physical appearance, perceived lifestyle or measure of success. By expecting yourself to be ‘more like them’ you are expecting yourself to be ‘less like you’ and so are missing out on all the wonderful goodness that is available to you. It is there, you are just not looking in the right place.

Let me ask you another question:

What are the parts of your life, and therefore your ‘self’ that you are turning towards?

Do you even do that? (Don’t worry, you do, but you might be turning towards old, familiar things that you don’t like any more.)

You are a totally unique person, so it stands to reason that the things you want to turn towards aren’t the same as the things other people turn towards. But we are told what we want all the time by society and the media so we turn towards what we are told we are supposed to like, which is making us feel bad for having or wanting things because we don’t think we deserve them or can have them. What if those feelings are really the fact that those things aren’t actually right for us?

By turning towards something it means we are showing up for it, we make ourselves available for it. We do the things we need to do to make that part of our life function as optimally as possible. So, what are you showing up for?

Let’s look at the area of relationships. How well on a scale of 1-10 do you show up for optimal relationship bliss in your life? Write it down.

Now let’s look at money. How, on the 1-10 scale do you show up around your money? Do you check it and track it? Make a note.

What about your health? How do you look after your health on the 1-10 scale? Are there any patterns forming?

When you stop and look at it, the way you turn towards and show up for one area of your life is probably similar to all areas of your life. We just get stuck in patterns we are used to because someone once told us that was what we should do and we accept it as our reality.

What if it could be different?

When you wake up tomorrow and your life is exactly as you want it, in which ways does it feel different to now?

When you work with me, we have three sessions, plus I write you a story and make you a painting.

Session one: We have a talk about what your life is like now and how you would like it to change. We cover the whys and find out how it came to be the way it is. We think about what you like to do and how your life would look if it was just as you want it to be. I teach you how to reframe both past and future memories and there is a homework exercise to do. We can spend up to two hours on this as necessary.

Session two: We have a solution based session where I ask you a lot of questions and you will describe to me all the details of your new life, when all the loose ends are tied up, all the plans have come together and you are revelling in your most glorious personal sunshine. I record this session with your permission and use it to create for you a story and a painting. This session is one to two hours as well.

I will write you a story of 600 -1000 words. This is a story about a typical day in your perfect life. You can choose whether it is in the first person or the third person. Some people like to hear it as ‘I’ as it helps them to be in the moment with it, but if your perfect life is a huge leap from where you are now, sometimes it helps to hear it being said about you so you can view yourself in the situations you want from a slight distance which allows the subconscious to get used to it more gradually and it becomes less and less far fetched the more you get used to hearing it.

I will write you the story and email it to you as a PDF file and as an audio file. You can then listen to it every day and/or read it every day and it will become familiar to your subconscious which will then assist you in hidden and not so hidden ways to bring about positive changes. It might not seem like much has changed for a while then one day you will look back and realise that gradually the way you view things has altered, your bank balance is healthy and you look forward to your weekly trip to the gym or daily yoga session. Or whatever the desired changes had been, while you were busy being there and not looking for them, they tiptoed into your reality.

The subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between what is real and what isn’t. When an athlete runs through their race or routine in their mind the same parts of the brain light up as if they were actually doing it physically. So we need to convince the subconscious that what you want is already real. Then it is no longer scared of it and will drive you on the road that will take you where you want to go instead of repeatedly doing a u-turn and going back the other way. This is why I love creative visualisation so much.

To help to reinforce this, I will create an A4 original abstract painting for you which will depict, in abstract form, using different colours and symbols, the main points you are changing; I will paint them from the perspective of having already changed and you will have a key of what they are on the back of the picture. I will also send you a digital file of it so you can put up the original somewhere you will see it all the time and the digital file can go on the wallpaper of your digital devices, and anywhere else you will see it all the time.

Why do this?

The subconscious runs 90% of what we do, feel and think, so it needs as much reinforcement as possible to make it believe what we want is already real. This is how changes are made. The painting can be put up somewhere you will see it as regularly as possible. It is your image of your new life so put it everywhere you can! It is abstract because that allows you to put it everywhere without having to explain it. You don’t need the exact pictures and then have to constantly answer questions about them because you will know what it all means and that is all it takes for the subconscious to start believing it is real. You have to do the thinking too, and, most importantly the feeling, which is fun - and that is where the magic happens.

“Thank you for reminding me about the power of creativity in our lives. Yes, it is a lifesaver! It turned my life around.” - Karolina, Ireland

Session three: When you receive your story and painting, we will book in a catch up call over zoom three months from then. I will have asked you to sign a declaration that you promise to read or listen to the story every day, that you will put the picture up as much as you can and you will regularly take time - a few minutes here and there at least, every day- to feel yourself in the picture, IN the story. FEEL how great it feels. BE IT NOW.

Then we will meet over zoom and see what has changed, notice what is different. I guarantee there will be some changes and sometimes they aren’t that obvious but when we uncover them you can use them as an anchor for any changes that are still on their way. This is my way of encouraging you to DO the work and checking in to see how you are doing. I’m sure there will be cause for celebration.

“The benefits have been awesome - it has helped to spark my creativity again and is a beautiful form of mindfulness that allows me to enter a state of flow and express my feelings in a way that words don’t allow for.” - Angela, Canada

HOW MUCH does it cost?

For the three one to one in depth sessions, the exclusive personal story and the original and digital artwork the price is £1104.00

If you’re ready to become all that you can be, to know all of yourself and create the life you really want to live, you can email me at or fill in a contact form HERE and I will get in touch.

You can now try a taster session for 1 hour to experience a sample of creative mindfulness tailored to your situation. Click the button to book.

I look forward to helping you on your wonderful journey to the life you want to live. Have a Lovely day.